My friends always criticize on enormous amount of data and hence its charge on using gprs (mobile network) on their smart phones. Smart phones are must have gadget now a days. These smart phones and the installed application constantly search for network to update, upload the information. I would like to call these phones as …
Category Archive: Management
Apr 30
Post from mobile app
Its been to long since I have updated and upload any post. My passiveness is on rise and I definitely need some inspiration for myself. I was browsing my apps in mobile. Suddenly I notice the app to post on my website, which I had installed lately thinking it will bust up my feed. which …
Jan 17
Escape the crowd
Difficult people exist at work as in all facets of life, and they come all shapes and sizes: Some talk constantly and never listen. Others must always have the last word. Some fail to keep commitments. Others criticize anything that they did not create themselves. They can take the form of a cut-you-downer, a two-faced …
Sep 06
Four Models of Corporate Entrepreneurship
First, though, what exactly is corporate entrepreneurship? We define the term as the process by which teams within an established company conceive, foster, launch and manage a new business that is distinct from the parent company but leverages the parent’s assets, market position, capabilities or other resources. It differs from corporate venture capital, which predominantly …
Sep 02
What do you want to be?
A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. An Entrepreneur is someone who has the skills, passion and financial backing to create wealth from new business opportunities and is willing to take full responsibility for its success …
Aug 18
Avoid Stress Inducing Activities
Managing stress is as much about what to do as it is about what not to do. Here are some things you should keep in mind that may aggravate and enhance your stress levels: Avoid Stressful People: If someone is stressing you out, simply avoid them. If you can’t simply avoid them because you live …
Aug 18
Social Interactions- Effective Stress Management
We live in a world of social interactions that can either promote our well being or hurt us in ways that create stress and bitter feelings. Managing our stress levels isn’t only about ourselves, it is also importantly about managing the relationships and interactions with other people. Here are some suggestions that will help manage …
Aug 17
Action- Effective Stress Managment
There are certain actions that we can take on a daily basis that promote harmony and provide balance when things get out of hand. Here are a few suggestions for some stress-less actions you can take throughout your day that will ease the feelings of stress and improve your sense of well being: Natural Therapies …
Aug 17
Anger a form of meditation
Anger can be transcended in truly authentic and non-avoidant way, freeing us from the implus to blindly react to or act out of anger and offering us instead a vital third option in place of either representing or managing anger or letting out. That is why giving ourselves time to be fully aware of any …
Aug 16
Body- Effective Stress Management
Our body is the vehicle that keeps us going and moving forward throughout our day. However, when it comes to stress it is our body that suffers the most from the consequences of our constant destructive emotions. As a result our body responds in negative and lethargic ways that could potentially lead to health concerns …
Aug 16
The Art of Asking Questions
• Avoid Complexity: use simple, conversational language • Avoid leading and loaded questions • Avoid ambiguous questiions: be as specific as possible • Avoid double-barreled questions • Avoid making assumptions • Avoid negative questions Leading question A question that suggests or implies a certain answer. Causes: •The bandwagon effect e.g. Most Saudis have stopped eating …
Aug 15
Minset -Effective Stress Management
In a lot of ways stress is only a perspective; or in other words an illusory representation that we create of an event or circumstance in our minds. We either see these events in a positive light or we feel that we have little control, and therefore the consequences of the circumstances tend to overwhelm …
Aug 15
6 keys to effective Stress Management
Dealing with stress in an effective and efficient manner has more to do than just learning to relax; it rather has to do with what you eat, how you think, the manner you treat your body, what actions you take on a consistent basis, how you deal with social interactions and what you tend to …
Aug 14
Relationship Coping Resources
Stress Problem Solving Communication Closeness Flexibility Satisfaction You have excessive stress. This can lead to emotional and health problems. Give priority to reducing your stress. Use a variety of coping resources. You positively attack and solve problems, creating solutions and making necessary changes. You express both negative and positive feelings to form intimate relationships …
Aug 11
Questionnaire- “Data collection tool”
What is a questionnaire? An instrument (form) to collect answers to questions collect factual data gathers information or measures A series of written questions/items in a fixed, rational order Decisions in Questionnaire Design: What should be the title of my survey? How do I introduce my topic? Do I need a cover letter? What instructions …
Aug 09